Here is a detailed look at our process:
- You undertake to make available to us, as & when required, all the accounting records & related financial information, which we need to do our work. You will provide us with all information & explanations relevant to the purpose & compilation of the accounting records, & you will disclose to us all relevant information in full.
- You are responsible for ensuring that, to the best of your knowledge & belief, financial information, whether used by the business or for the accounting records, is accurate & complete. You are also responsible for ensuring that the activities of the business are conducted honestly, & for safeguarding the assets of the business & for taking reasonable steps to prevent & detect fraud & other irregularities.
- You are responsible for ensuring that the business complies with the laws & regulations that apply to its activities, & for preventing non-compliance & for detecting any that occurs.
- At the outset of a bookkeeping engagement we will agree with you what prime records you will need to keep & when you need to provide those records to us.
- You will agree that you will:
- Keep an adequate record of all receipts and payments, whether credit card, bank or cash;
- Keep and supply to us all personal, bank and credit card statements;
- Provide us with all sales invoices and all purchase invoices.
- You must provide us with your business records and answers to any questions we have in relation to your bookkeeping, in a timely and efficient manner.
Our responsibilities to you:
We will agree to carry out the following accounting and other services on your behalf:
- write up the accounting records of the business;
- processing your sales & purchases ledgers;
- processing your sales & purchases invoices;
- complete the postings to the nominal ledger;
- Issuing statements to customers;
- Creating a trial balance.